XBRL filing

 What is XBRL filing?

XBRL is a form of reporting language adopted by ACRA for the purpose of financial statements reporting by companies that are required to be lodged with the authority.

Do I need XBRL filing?

The following companies need to file their financial statements in XBRL

  1. Public / private companies (limited or unlimited by shares) with some exceptions

  2. Insolvent Exempt Private Companies (EPCs) *

    * An insolvent exempt private company (EPC) is a private company with less than 20 members, and does not have any corporations holding beneficial interest in its shares (whether directly or indirectly), and is unable to meet its debts when they are due. A solvent EPC does not need to file its financial statements in XBRL.

How we will assist you

We use a preparatory tool to convert the data in your financial statements into XBRL format. The current XBRL system used for the translation is BizFinx, an ACRA initiative to equip preparers with the preparatory tools for purpose of translation.

Our Fees

From $400